Monday, February 18, 2008


The Synoptic Post

It's been kind of busy since I've been back. Three seminars plus Japanese language plus the intro class that I T.A. would be a lot of work, but it wouldn't quite pay the bills. Working a few hours a week at an after-school program for middle school kids helps, as does some freelance editing and doing the yard work for the property where I live. It's all pretty enjoyable, and I find that sometimes I work more efficiently when I have less free time... Of course, I did forget to study for a couple of kanjiquizzes this week, but I'm still doing very well in my program.

The only new time commitment that I made this semester is I began spinning as a DJ on the college radio station. It's all very exciting because, aside from missing my show at Hamilton College, KTUH is a really good station with a pretty big listenership all over the island. For another six weeks or so, my show 'The Science of Soul' is on in the middle of the night (Wednesday morning, 3 6 AM), but that's a morning show for all of you East Coasters... The station's website isn't currently running its streaming audio, but I'll let you know once my show is going out over the Intranets.

Over the holiday weekend (Thank you George Washington Lincoln!), I've been dogsitting my friends' adorable mutt, Bean. If I had my camera, you could see her as she is right now, curled up asleep on the couch, tail in mouth. Absolutely adorable. As it is, here's a (possibly) cuter picture of her I found of her in a similar position. Awwww...

Hawaii's still beautiful. It's unacceptable how long it's been since I spent a day at the beach. Tomorrow I'm taking Bean hiking -- hopefully I'll be coming home with avocados and guavas! On a somewhat related note, does anyone know how to properly prune fruit trees? Please advise.

I wanted to get a lot done this weekend, but I've mostly been going out for long walks with Bean. That's productive, I guess -- for mental health, if nothing else. Went to a bit of an academic conference that was being held at the East-West Center yesterday where my friend was lecturing on a photographer in the New York art scene and met a cool anthropologist from University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies who did his M.A. in Japanese religion with one of the top guys in the field. That was pretty cool. I don't have a lot of food left over here (the lasagna they left me was incredibly delicious, but it's gone), so I need to go down to pick something up. When I get back, if I still have steam, I'll write some more stories. If not, I promise more soon.

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