Monday, April 02, 2007


Spirals And Stuff

So, that last one was a little heavy. Here's something (a little) lighter. Wait, first go look at these beautiful bacterial fractals (as pictured to the right). I'll wait.

Wasn't that cool? Anyway, I awoke early in the predawn a couple of mornings ago from a very cool dream in which my father taught me how to create ephemeral sculptures of magical ash that would take solid form for a few glowing seconds before they crumpled to the floor and vanished. The exhileration of completing my first attempt, a three-dimensional spiral which looped and whorled and filled the room, was enough to wake me from my slumber and fill me with awe.

Wide awake in a witching hour, I opened my computer to continue an tutorial on General Semantics (much more interesting than it sounds -- check it out when you get ten minutes free), and when I clicked to advance to the next screen, I was a bit surprised to see a big spiral (this was probably about 90 seconds after I'd woken up from the dream). I looked away from the computer, and right there was a single hair, curled up in perfect spiral. Pretty cool, huh?

Synchronicity or apophenia? You decide. But on the apophenic tip, check out Wikipedia's awesome list of religious pareidolia (e.g. the "grilled cheese Jesus"). By clicking on the footnotes, you can go to the primary source and see the "pizza pan Virgin" or Jesus in a dog's tuchus. It's all pretty amazing, for both the accuracy and the inanity of some of the apparations. I think that this dental x-ray one is pretty weird, myself.

I can't help myself from posting a comment here. I found your site rather serendipitously as I was searching the term "marmalade". Anyways, I was intrigued by your post describing the spiral archetype. Interestingly enough (and you may already know this; having alluded to it already), the symbol, expressed as the Fibonacci Number of divine proportions (sectio divina), is also considered the most aesthetically pleasing proportion in Western cultures (I am an artist and use this proportion quite regularly in my work - seemingly without conscious effort). Randomized chaos certainly is beautiful, isn't it?! Thank you for an intelligent post.

ps. By the way, I also believe in some degree of apophenia... The Universe is very responsive to our energy.
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