Friday, December 07, 2007


After losing my voice at the greatest football game I've ever seen (check out the highlights -- unbelievable!) last Saturday, an unbelievable end to an undefeated season for the Warriors (somewhat marred by some excessive force against an exuberant fan who rushed the field one play too early), I've buckled down and been cranking out final papers like it's my job. I basically have to finish up a smaller assignment, take my Japanese final, and I've got one big paper until I'm done with my first semester at UH!

So I took the day off and made some chili for the department chili cook-off tomorrow night... It's funny, I worked really hard on this chili, using four types of hot peppers, a number of roasted ingredients (my homemade stout, dark chocolate, & some espresso), and it basically tastes like I threw a bunch of adobo-soaked chipotle peppers in there. Not that I'm complaining, it's a great taste, but I know for next time: just spend the $2.50 for a can of chipotle peppers. We'll see how it stacks up against the competition...

But, before the cookoff, I'm heading up to Kualoa Ranch, 4000 acres of beautiful land outside of Kaneohe, for a roots reggae fest featuring most of the state's best bands with Ziggy Marley headlining -- here's hoping the sky looks something like this picture, as it's been pouring rain every day this week (with gale-force winds Monday night) due to a weird system parked off what's typically the leeward side of the islands. Well, flash flood warnings notwithstanding, the good news is that Kaneohe is on the "windward" side of the island, away from the storm, so I'm glad meteorology is an inexact science, and here's hoping trade winds kick in before tomorrow morning!

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